Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rabbit Sanctuary, Donut Sale, Earth Week

On April 5th, Veg Club and SAVE took a trip to the Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary in Michigan to volunteer. We cleaned up the bunny cages and mopped the barn. The rabbits are cute, huge and soft. Some of them can be shy and scared while others just want to play. The sanctuary has adorable pigs as well!

On April 15th and 16th, Veg Club held a vegan donut and puppy chow bake sale. While we didn't have as many sales as we thought we would, everyone who stopped by thought we had some delicious stuff! We got to eat the leftovers, of course. ;)

On April 21st, in honor of Earth Week, Holly (Veg Club president) and Stefanie (SAVE president) chalked the sidewalks around the BGSU union area with facts about how being vegan saves the earth. It was a warm, beautiful day and this was a fun, easy, colorful form of activism. Go green, go vegan! Look for Veg Club at BGSU's Eco Fair on April 23rd and stop by to learn more and for free vegan ice cream!