Thursday, December 11, 2014

World Hunger Demo

Today (December 11th) we held our last event of the semester: a demonstration about the contribution of meat-eating to the problem of world hunger due to inefficient use of resources. Our display table had a bold, picture-based trifold as well as a globe and empty plates. We wore red clothing and stuck duct tape over our mouths to represent those who cannot eat. The event primarily focused on leafleting, and we handed out a total of 486 fact-filled fliers!! ...And then we ran out of printing money (we kept having to go print more because we were handing out so many) and ended a bit early. A handful of people stopped by and engaged in conversation about the topic as well. This event was a huge success!!

Behind the scenes, Veg Club is working on getting on more social media sites. Check out our new twitter!

This semester has been absolutely amazing, in terms of member engagement and event success. Just to recap, here is what we've accomplished this semester: Campus Fest, SASHA volunteer trip, crate challenge, an eat-together at Shoots, "Cowspiracy" screening, Egg Industry Demo, Adopt-A-Turkey Bake Sale, vegan potluck, world hunger demo, the designing of club shirts, and officer elections. And more than one failed attempt to paint the rock (aka we will paint it next semester). Check out the rest of our blog and our photo album on facebook/orgsync to take a trip down memory lane... Thanks to everyone who has been involved in these events and let's make next semester even better!! :)